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Core French Program

At Markstay P.S. Core French is offered daily for 30 minutes from Grade 4 to Grade 8.The program develops basic communication skills in French and an understanding of the nature of the Language, as well as an appreciation of French culture in Canada and in other parts of the world.

The junior and senior Core French program is based on a balanced literacy program, focusing as much on listening and speaking as on reading and writing.

This program offers students a valuable educational experience and the opportunity to develop a basic usable command of the French language that can be expanded through further study or contact with French-speaking people.

French Program Resources

French Immersion/Core French Toolbox
FSL Homework Toolbox website

Rainbow School Programs

For more information on Rainbow Schools programs, please reference the links below.

Character Development
French Immersion/Core French
French Immersion/Core French Toolbox
FSL Homework Toolbox
Kindergarten and the Early Learning Program
Special Education
Message for Parents/Guardians
Programs and Services
The Special Education Team
Glossary, Categories and Definitions
Students & Parents
Student Success